Hacking is not a Dirty Word

I used to think hacking was bad. It was something you did when you didn’t have a plan, when you didn’t know what you were doing; it’s what amateurs do, noodling around the code without clear direction or intent. Or it was something you did, quick and dirty, just to get something out the door. Hacking is the best, surefire way to waste time and create mountains of unmaintainable code you’ll have to rewrite anyway. I've always struggled with this since I feel so drawn to hacking culture - DIY, playing with things just to see how they work, ignoring the instruction manual, reveling in the aesthetic of a job well done, making what you can within limited constraints - and many of the brightest minds in software development speak quite passionately about the merits of hacking.

Thinking about this for a while, I've come to the conclusion that there’s nothing wrong with hacking. Quite the contrary, hacking could be one of the most positive things a team can do. In fact, many of the agile processes and techniques that have worked for me in the past seem to be designed to cultivate teams of hackers.

It seems I had fallen for some of the myths about hackers.

Myth: Hackers don’t have a plan

Hackers do have a plan but they acknowledge that the plan will change and then plan with this in mind. This means creating plans only to the level of detail to which you are currently comfortable making plans. For example we all know that making a detailed plan at the start of a project, down to the code level, for all but the tiniest programs, is silly since the plan is mere conjecture of a positive outcome. Rather than writing a fantasy on paper, hackers lay plans based on the current knowledge. These plans then expose areas for further exploration (hacking!), the resultant knowledge of which can be turned into more detailed plans.

In XP these detailed plans are created just in time during the iteration planning game, sometimes even later than that. That's not to say that there wasn't a plan before the iteration began. Not so. A great degree of planning, communication, and coordination was required to be able to plan so adeptly, so quickly.

Myth: Hackers don’t know what they’re doing

In the literal sense, a lot of times hackers don’t know what they are doing. That is why they are hacking. The purpose is to figure out how something works or the best approach for something. And that’s the key. At a meta-level, hackers know exactly what they are doing - they are searching for information, for knowledge, for a means to achieve an end.

Action research is a relatively new-to-software-engineering research method that seemed to take agile researchers by storm at XP2010. The basic premise is that a researcher works closely with a consenting organization to observe practices in software engineering. Rather than acting as a passive observer, as is traditionally done, the researcher injects practices directly into the team and observes before and after reactions. For example, in recent work by Tor Erlend Fægri, having observed issues with team collaboration he suggested several techniques to help solve the problem. Some suggestions worked, some didn’t. Fægri was able to take the time to understand what happened and why because he was dedicated to understanding almost as a participant, watching the events unfold. This take on research makes me think of Jane Goodall’s work with chimpanzees in which she directly interacted with wild primates in order to better observe their behavior.

When I first heard about action research it sounded a lot to me like hacking - trying things out to understand how something works.

Myth: Hackers don’t create value

Yes, the code that comes out of a hard core hacking session might be a big pile of spaghetti, but consider the purpose of this work in context. Another perspective is that hacking may incur technical debt which sooner or later will need to be paid off. But it’s important to keep in mind that not all technical debt is bad. When you are hacking, you are either in learning mode or in finish mode. Learning mode is never wasted effort. Finish mode, where you are just trying to get something finished so it can be used, can leave scars on your code, but the immediate value provided to customers can be enormous. When you have a desperate and immediate need, anything that works today is better than something perfect that works next week.

The same goes for architecture. Of course, many of the architecture researchers use words and phrases like "experiments" or "trade-off analysis" to describe this same act of quickly creating something for the sake of knowledge. That's really just hacking too.

Sometimes the artifacts you produce are throwaway. Sometimes the working solution is good enough and you’ll never have to worry about it again. Sometimes you’ll have to pay off the technical debt. But hacking for the right reasons is never wasted effort.

Agile Development Helps Cultivate Good Hackers

Agile software development, be it controlled through time boxes or flow, is all about ensuring that work doesn’t teeter out of control a day at a time. The focus on providing customers with value creates an environment that encourages action and creation. The agile manifesto gently nudges hacking behaviors. Frequent releases of working software, welcoming changing requirements, focus on simplicity and continuous attention to technical excellence, helping the customer understand what they need and then doing your best to make it for them. Even the idea of continuous process improvement is about hacking your team to make yourselves better. Hacking is the very lifeblood of agile software development.

Hacking isn't a dirty word. Hacking could be the most important thing you do all day.


  1. I’m still not sure what you mean by “hacking” – before or after. Is hacking exploration/experimentation? Or programming quickly? Is it agile software development?

    “Hacking” is, to me, a very ambiguous term. It means nothing until whoever says it gives some context or meaning. “I just hacked this together really quick” “He’s hacking my computer” “He’s a great hacker” “Open source needs more hackers”

    I think, at the broadest level, hacking means using technology to do something with surprising ease. Hackers – as in Hackers and Painters – have this amazing ability to express themselves in code – it just flows and it seems very easy. Hacking – as in script-kiddie, black-hat/white-hat – is about bypassing cyber-security barriers with surprising ease. Hacking – as in life hacking, brain hacks – is using tricks or technology to make self-improvement, or productivity, or learning easy. Hacking – as in hacking it together, quick and dirty – is sacrificing quality (readability, cohesion, tests, edge cases, ux…) to make writing a program surprisingly easy.

    Old-school style hackers are a little of the first and last definition. They are very productive and know a ton about a system, but also have a willingness to write some code that nobody else will be able to follow, but which takes advantage of this and that side-effect to Just Work. Hacking on an open source project just means programming; the etymology comes from open source’s past and it appeals to people enough that it hasn’t gone away.

    I guess I would say that “hacking” /is/ a dirty word. Not because “hacking” is bad – each definition certainly has a time when it is useful – but because “hacking” has so many different meanings that it’s not clear what you’re trying to say.

    1. In my mind, for a long time anyway, there is a very strong, negative connotation to “hacking” something. The idea of a “hack” is probably my biggest influencer, someone who consistently creates and sells intentionally low quality content, a person who whores out their talents for cold hard cash at the sacrifice of professional integrity. This is further backed by the idea of a “quick and dirty hack” created in code. This very statement bluntly acknowledges that you are not spending the time to do it right and the result will soil the code base. Only a hack would do such a thing, right?

      Aaron, I think you’ve captured the essence of what I was struggling with quite well in your comment. Just like the term “software engineering,” the definition for “hacking” changes based on context and might mean different things to different people at different times. The main point is that it’s wrong to think of “hacking” and “hacks” as being the same thing.

      As an engineer, the romanticized hacker persona, the person who goes home one weekend and cranks out a pile of amazing code that “just works” but nobody understands, makes me nervous. But once I realized there are guard rails in place that help prevent this sort of unpredictable, super human behavior (and actually helps to make predictable, super human teams) – one example coming from agile software development processes – hacking becomes something far more positive.

      Now, hacking to me is all about action and responsibility. It doesn’t really matter what context you put it in.


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